Friday, October 19, 2012

LED Video Display Manufacturers and Suppliers

OK, So I just got back from the KES 2012 show where we saw a lot of displays. Sure, we saw Samsung and LG's newest OLED displays and even Samsung's Dual View Display for multiple viewing from the same screen for multiple people. But, the most impressive was the Outdoor LED Video Display Manufacturer we came across.

With screens that are about 10 feet by 30 feet, you can mount a massive TV to the side of your building that can be seen miles away. That's pretty effective communication if you ask me.

Technically, that's what Times Square NYC does and it's what stadiums do with the indoor version of the same LED billboard displays. Sure, the resolution is such that it falls apart if you walk right up to the screen. But seriously, who's going to walk right up to a screen mounted on the 35th floor? Maybe the window washer guy, I suppose.

In any case, I love and recommend the versions I've see at KES in Korea and CES Las Vegas. Subscribe for more of my coverage.

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